Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Little Word 2012

This year, I'm participating in Ali Edward's One Little Word class. I love to set goals. But, I don't like New Year's Resolutions. I always know that I may not complete that goal and it feels like there is no flexibility. You must finish in a year. That stresses me out! So, this year, I'm going to pick one word and focus on that word. It's so simple. Just one word to focus on. All my goals will fall under that word and the word will be in my thoughts all year. So, my word for this year is...
Some of you may think you know what this word is referring to - like, a house. And, you are a little, tiny bit right. That has been a goal for a while and we think this year might be the year to do it. However, most of the things I desire to build are not tangible. Each month, I'll focus on one element of my life to build from the ground up, or to build upon. 
Part of Ali's class focuses on ways to document where this word takes you throughout the year. I'm excited! I'm excited for the reminders, the tips, the encouragement and the documentation! So, let the fun (and the challenge) begin!

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